Case Study

TRIBE Achieves a New Milestone: 10,000 Community Splits

Participants received $1500 in shared earnings.
03 Oct 2024 - 2 Min Read
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Brandon Tory’s TRIBE music video set a new milestone for revenue sharing – 10,000 community-owned splits. Using SHARE technology, fans could easily join Brandon’s team and share in the earnings generated by achieving social targets and revenue generated from purchases to access the video. 

Within 24 hours, all the splits were claimed by 633 participants, and over $1,500 in earnings were paid directly to all participants.   

"By economically incentivizing people to share in the upside of my video, I was able to achieve a 700% increase in engagement and connect with thousands of customers directly – without relying on traditional digital advertising options that I've used in the past for growth and promotion." - Brandon Tory

What We Did


To incentivize promotion and engagement, Brandon offered his community a chance to collectively earn $1.50 per 1K views on X (Twitter) and Instagram and share 75% of the revenue generated by sales of access to TRIBE. Participants who joined earlier received a larger allocation of splits.


Smart contracts automated split allocations and ensured real-time payments were distributed to participants as views and transactions increased. 

Splits Allocation

Co-ownership rights were granted on a first-come, first-served basis to users who reshared the original post on either platform. Formless verified the reshares and directed participants to claim their split through the SHARE interface. A bonding curve incentivized joining as soon as possible by rewarding earlier split participants with a higher number of splits and with the number of splits progressively decreasing as more were claimed. 

Building Community

Brandon was able to build a direct connection with 633 participants, creating a more engaged and loyal community. 


  • All 10,000 splits were claimed within 24 hours.
  • 633 split participants.
  • 128,000 views and 156 reshares on X.
  • 12,000 views, 178 reshares on Instagram.
  • 2,500 payouts.
  • $1,500 total earnings.


SHARE technology facilitated the seamless allocation of a record number of revenue splits and efficiently distributed real-time payouts to a large number of participants. The use of a bonding curve helped fuel early engagement, driving unprecedented interest and participation. These results demonstrate the potential to expand community splits across a broader range of digital content, products, and industries.

Visit to distribute your music or videos with community splits.

Case Study
About author
Gianni Lowe
Gianni Lowe
